Wanted Listings
Arts & Crafts Clothes alterations and repairs My sewing is pretty basic and I struggle with my electric machine, so if you're good at making alterations and repairs to clothes, that's a skill I could use. (hourly rate 10 Harmonies) Building, Decorating & Repair Fencing I'd welcome help/advice on replacement garden fencing Painting and decorating Even if I can do some of this myself, I am very slow and it's always better to work alongside someone else if there's a big decorating job to do. (hourly rate 10 Harmonies) Counselling, Therapy, Health Osteopathy, aromatherapy Food, Cooking, Catering Home brewing I am looking for someone to show me how to make home brew beer Gardening & Plant Management Garden minding Garden plants and seeds My gardens could always do with some extra, different plants. So if you want to make space by getting rid of any nice perennials, or if you have any cuttings, seedlings or seeds to offload, I could be interested at, say, five Harmonies or so per plant/packet. (5 Harmonies) Household Management Assistance with Filing and Clearing As I'm reviewing my own situation at the age of 90, I'm not very mobile and I've decided that it's time to sort out my files. Some old papers can be discarded. I would appreciate help with working through them. If you are able to offer one or more sessions to assist me with this please phone me to arrange a good time Help with cleaning chores eg. cleaning hard-to-reach corners
Home maintenance and repairs Some DIY jobs around the home are just too much for me to tackle on my own, especially if they involve plumbing or electrics, for example, or appliances that I don't understand. I could often do with some help from someone who knows what they're doing. (hourly rate 10 Harmonies) Household help Is anyone willing & able to do occasional or 1-off vacuuming in a 2-bed flat? I am no longer able to manoevre the vacuum. View from lounge will nourish your soul.
Personal Assistance Assisted Short Walks Accompanied short walks with wheelie-walker; Some assistance needed on stairs; OK on level even ground.Picturesque area.I enjoy admiring the trees en route. Transportation Car maintenance I'm useless at looking after my car. It's old and seems to work fine, but even checking the oil and tyre pressures seems like an awful chore to me. Would you be someone who could help me avoid rip off repair and maintenance charges at a garage? (hourly rate 10 Harmonies) Lift to Events I'm no longer steady on my feet, so whenever an event is on, a lift would be appreciated. LIFTS - many of our members are not so steady on their feet these days, so if you have transport and can offer a lift, eg to our socials - that will be very helpful. Lifts to shops or station Van collections There are times when I'd like to fetch something (for example from a Freecycler) and I can't because it would be too big to fit in my car. People with access to vans and flat-back trucks are very valuable! Is that you? (hourly rate 10 Harmonies) Work for Harrow LETS Contacting Members - Some members - whose names are marked * - are not on email, and it would be very helpful if a local member could either phone them and/or print out copies of the latest Newletter+Invite and post or deliver it to them. Let me know if you can help. |